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  • BFRMC Executive Board

World Handicap System - CSGA Memo #7

This is the seventh in a series of weekly emails introducing CSGA golfers to the new World Handicap System (WHS) and GHIN Golfer products. Last week, we discussed the Submission of an Exceptional Score.

This week we present Scores Acceptable for Handicap Purposes. The scores a player submits for handicap purposes are at the core of the calculation of their Handicap Index. Scores must satisfy specific criteria to be acceptable for handicap purposes. These scores provide confidence that they will produce reasonable evidence of the player’s ability and, ultimately, a Handicap Index that is reflective of demonstrated ability.

A score is acceptable for handicap purposes if the round has been played:

If one or more of the requirements set out above is not met, the score is not acceptable for handicap purposes.

Scores Not Acceptable for Handicap Purposes

Some formats of play and scores played under certain restricted Terms of the Competition are not acceptable for handicap purposes and must not be posted to a player’s scoring record.

The following illustrative list is not exhaustive and if a player is in doubt as to the acceptability of a score, it is recommended that they check with the golf club where they are playing or the Authorized Association

If you have any questions about the World Handicap System or the new GHIN golfer tools, please reach out to us via email.


Bill Bigler, Director, Member Services

Connecticut State Golf Association

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